Bluefin Tuna Saku (Balfégo)

Fresh, Ike-Jime, Spain

The Atlantic bluefin tuna is considered to be the best tuna of all and is an example of how overfished wild stocks can recover very well through effective conservation measures. Original Fish sources the bluefin tuna from sustainable fisheries in Spain and brings it to you in the most direct way.

From CHF 55.50

CHF 18.50/ 100g


Latin Name: Thunnus thynnus
Origin: Spain (Balfego)
Fishing method: Lines and Hooks
Ingredients: Atlantic bluefin tuna (FISH)
Shelf life: 3 days from receipt if stored < 2° Celsius

This bluefin tuna is harvested using the tradition Japenese method “Ike-Jime” which results in superior quality and longer shelf life.

Additional information

Weight N/A

Ca. 300 g, Ca. 600 g, Ca. 1 kg